Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Price of Inactivity

I’ve been on a diet for about a month and half. In the first 3 weeks I was steadily dropping weight because I was exercising every day (40 minutes of Zumba on my Xbox), but then real life caught up to me. First I had to get a project done for my parent’s anniversary, so I stopped exercising for two weeks. Then Father’s Day was right after that, so I spent another week without exercise. Now, for the last week I have had absolutely no reason to skip my daily exercise.

The worst part is that I know the good it does for my body. I have more energy, feel great, and the Zumba game I have is a lot of fun. So why am I not doing it? No, really…why? I can’t figure it out. Since I started my blog and announced my weight on it, I have lost a total of one pound. So I am down 20 pounds from where I originally started at, but I’m not losing weight at all. I wanted to be under 200 by the end of June.

I think the easiest way to get back on track is to get some of the achievements in the game, so my goal is to get the following achievements before August –

I think the 5 days is very do-able as well as the possibility of 10, but I think the 30 days is going to be difficult. Actually, the 5 day is going to be kind of tricky this week. On Saturday, I’m going to go down to Orlando for the normal Saturday Skate Class and rather than going home like normal, I’m going to stay over until the Sunday evening Adult Skate Session. I’m going to take my xbox though, so I can play games (since I haven’t in forever) and do Zumba.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Accident Prone

I haven’t even started doing derby yet and I’m already able to count the bruises and scrapes that I’m starting to get. Okay, fine, I can do the counting on one hand, but still!

I’ve always been a bit accident prone (it runs in my family), so falling and getting hurt is as natural to me as breathing. Although I will say that I have never broken a bone or been seriously injured. *knocks on wood* So far I have fallen about 4 or 5 times, but once I actually become Fresh Meat I know I won’t be able to keep track of the number.

Below are photos of my knees after two separate falls.

On Monday night I decided to participate in the second backwards skate portion (we started learning to skate backwards in the Saturday class, so I knew to waddle and do scissors). I had my kneepads with me, but I only wore them for a short time that night. So when I got off balance and fell forward, it was straight onto my left knee (the one that looks worse). I skated back to my stuff to take a look and saw that my fall had re-opened the wound so it was bleeding again.

From reading other derby blogs, I know I’ll be falling a lot, so I guess it’s good to get some practice.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Getting mah skate on!

My friend Heather, whose derby blog is here, purchased her skates right after that very first live bout in January. Once she was done with Faire, she started taking skating classes at Universal Skating Center, which is where we go to see the Orlando Psycho City Derby bouts. Every Saturday morning from 9:15-10am they have classes and then from 10am-noon they have public skate. She’s been going for a little over a month and was finally able to convince me to wake up early enough to get down there and skate.

My first class, on June 11, was a bit hectic. Usually they have two teachers, one to teach the level 1 skaters and the other to teach the level 2 skaters (level 3 classes end at 9:15 and they are run with both teachers), but one was gone, so the first 20 minutes were just waiting around. I started in the level 1 class, but because I was already rolling and moving, I was bumped up to the level 2 class. At the end of the first class I decided I had to have my own skates and went to the store inside of the rink.

Heather has Rock GT-50 skates which are apparently better for wider feet. I thought I would be getting that one, but I asked to try on the Riedell R3s that they had. I tried on a few pairs of skates and finally found that the size 7 fit me best. Once I was all laced up, we went back out onto the rink floor and it was like magic. I had used the crummy rental skates for class, but skating on my brand new skates was like skating on butter.

While going to the Orlando skate class at least once a week is something I plan to do, I still wanted to skate a bit closer to home. I knew of one skating rink here in Ocala, but it’s not open very often because it doubles as a community center/daycare type of place. I called on Monday to find out their public skating hours and discovered that they have a 21+ adult skating session every Monday nights from 7-10. So that night I convinced my brother to come along and we skated.

I’m now going to continue skating twice a week (and I'm going to show up right at 7 because they have skating lessons for the first 30 minutes), and hopefully I’ll start to improve. I’ve fallen a few times (more on that in another post) so far, but I have managed to pick up a few skills. I can do: turtle tucks, scissors, t-starts, flamingo, raising one foot while skating, and one footed turns (though I need to practice them more tonight).

    What I want to be able to do before recruitment:
  • Stop!! (T stop, plow stop, and if possible the tomahawk stop)
  • Shooting the Duck
  • Crossovers
  • Skating backwards (we started this in class but I was only able to waddle back and do horrible scissors)
  • Lift leg behind me, swan-like move (no idea what it’s called)

Update!: I wrote this post while I was at work today, but I forgot to post before I left for skating. The skating class wasn't exactly what I thought it was, but something really amazing came out of it - I learned how to do crossovers!! I'm so proud of myself and very excited. They feel so natural. I also fell tonight while working on backwards skating, so I'll definitely be wearing my pads the next time I give it a go.

Standard Introduction + Weight Loss Stuff

I'm very afraid of new and different, but I seem to be trying new things all the time. Roller derby is going to be one of those new and different things. I've always had an interest in the sport, but the real interest to actually do roller derby started in January of this year. I saw my first live bout (I'd seen others on tv and in movies) with my friend Heather and we both were blown away by how awesome it was. We immediately said we wanted to do derby, but then sort of let it go for a few months. Heather was busy with RenFaire and I put the idea down on a list of things I could never do because of my size.

Fast forward a few months to May, and I was feeling fed up with the fact that I couldn't do much at all because of my weight. I was sad that I would never be one of those smaller, sportier girls, but then I asked myself, "Why not? Why can't you be one of those girls?" So I decided to start dieting and exercising with the intention of becoming a derby girl.

On May 18th I bought a scale and weighed in at 223. It's been a month and two days since I started my diet and this morning my weight was 204. One pound away from losing 20 pounds and 5 away from being under 200.

My original plan was to buy skates once I lost 30 pounds, but I went skating once and couldn't help myself. In my next post I'll talk about the skating classes and sessions I'm going to as well as what I'd really like to be able to do as far as skating goes.

Also, my friend Heather is keeping a Fresh Meat blog as well. We live an hour away from each other, so she's going to be skating in a different league. You can read her blog here.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Gear

I have a giant wish list of things I want, but my bank account keeps telling me that I should wait. In the next few months, I plan to acquire the gear I need, so by the time recruitment comes around I should have everything I need.**

Definitely not a long list, but it's more than I had 2 weeks ago. In the next few months I want to move a few things from the list below to the list above.**

I'm going to be modifying and changing this list as I learn what I need and as I start to collect more of the items on my list.

**At this point the text above is worthless since it's recruitment time and I have all of the gear I need, but I want to leave that stuff up there for funsies.