My first class, on June 11, was a bit hectic. Usually they have two teachers, one to teach the level 1 skaters and the other to teach the level 2 skaters (level 3 classes end at 9:15 and they are run with both teachers), but one was gone, so the first 20 minutes were just waiting around. I started in the level 1 class, but because I was already rolling and moving, I was bumped up to the level 2 class. At the end of the first class I decided I had to have my own skates and went to the store inside of the rink.
Heather has Rock GT-50 skates which are apparently better for wider feet. I thought I would be getting that one, but I asked to try on the Riedell R3s that they had. I tried on a few pairs of skates and finally found that the size 7 fit me best. Once I was all laced up, we went back out onto the rink floor and it was like magic. I had used the crummy rental skates for class, but skating on my brand new skates was like skating on butter.

While going to the Orlando skate class at least once a week is something I plan to do, I still wanted to skate a bit closer to home. I knew of one skating rink here in Ocala, but it’s not open very often because it doubles as a community center/daycare type of place. I called on Monday to find out their public skating hours and discovered that they have a 21+ adult skating session every Monday nights from 7-10. So that night I convinced my brother to come along and we skated.
I’m now going to continue skating twice a week (and I'm going to show up right at 7 because they have skating lessons for the first 30 minutes), and hopefully I’ll start to improve. I’ve fallen a few times (more on that in another post) so far, but I have managed to pick up a few skills. I can do: turtle tucks, scissors, t-starts, flamingo, raising one foot while skating, and one footed turns (though I need to practice them more tonight).
- What I want to be able to do before recruitment:
- Stop!! (T stop, plow stop, and if possible the tomahawk stop)
- Shooting the Duck
- Crossovers
- Skating backwards (we started this in class but I was only able to waddle back and do horrible scissors)
- Lift leg behind me, swan-like move (no idea what it’s called)
Update!: I wrote this post while I was at work today, but I forgot to post before I left for skating. The skating class wasn't exactly what I thought it was, but something really amazing came out of it - I learned how to do crossovers!! I'm so proud of myself and very excited. They feel so natural. I also fell tonight while working on backwards skating, so I'll definitely be wearing my pads the next time I give it a go.
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