Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mouthguard Fear

That horrible moment when you are fitting your new Protech Dent Mouthguard, and somehow you made it fit way too tightly and are afraid that if you try to pull it off, all of your teeth are going to come with it. That summarizes every single thing that I was afraid of going into my mouthguard fitting. And it's exactly what happened (minus the total loss of teeth). I only slightly cut my gums with my fingernail (I was in a panic to take it off).

It took a couple of minutes (that felt like hours) to get the too tight mouthguard off of my teeth, but I succeeded and dunked it back into a new bowl of hot water. I tried again, this time making sure that the point of my wonky canine (it grew in funny after my baby tooth was knocked out by a flying piece of one of those clacking foam baseball bats that don't seem to be around any longer) did not get caught in one of the holes. I did less sucking (heh, first time in my life that I'll ever say that) and paid more attention to how it fit behind my teeth.

Once it set up, I was able to take it off (I find it's easier to grab it from the back/side area than from right in the front. Front removal requires two hands, because I am insane or something. I tried talking for a bit and I could partially understand myself! I haven't tried drinking yet, because Rome was not built in a day (or rather, Shae does not instantly get over her aversion to having plastic in her mouth). As long as I don't think about the fact that there is plastic in my mouth, I don't gag.

yes, it's pink

I won't even be using it until at least next Sunday (I'm going trail skating or to Barber Park with Heather and Itzel), but it's one less thing to worry about. Also, I've updated my Gear Post to reflect my recent purchases of outdoor wheels and better bearings! :D

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